Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is Israel mobilizing to save the Iranian dictatorship?

Signs of provocative actions by Israel slip through our news feed. For some of us maybe unnoticed, but many of us surely know exactly what they are doing, and I should add that I find what they do really annoying!

It seems that a powerful mentality among the Israeli government has found the triangle of Khamenei-Ahmadinejad-IRGC in Iran too useful and helpful for their specific goals to let them go, or at least be weakened by powerful waves of green revolution. Now they are coming to aid their supposedly arch enemies!

There are some facts every citizen of earth should be aware of:

  • No limited military action can ever stop the hardliners in Iran in their nuclear weapon ambitions. As long as they are in power, they will manage to enrich more and more material for their unconventional warfare and an Israeli attack (in case it doesn't lead to a disastrous conflict in the whole region, which I think it does) will only give them an excuse to openly develop their long desired nuclear bomb.

  • The menace provided by Israel gives the dictators in Iran a moral high ground to unify the split political forces behind themselves. Defending the country against a foreign aggression has always been and will remain the number one periority for all Iranians. Indeed the Iraqi incursion back in 1980 played a critical role in establishing a dictatorship, instead of the desired true republic which the 1979 revolution was meant to bring to Iran.

  • Undoubtedly a democratic Iran can play a significant role in bringing a long lasting peace to the whole region, then the reform movement has already expressed its will to cooperate with the international community and not to sabotage the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians. If the government of Israel is really longing for peace and security, they shall not strengthen the position of isolated hardliners in Iran by realizing their propaganda.

The questions remaining over the motivation of Israeli threat in these critical times can maybe found in those remarks made by former Mossad chief Ephraim Halevy when he described Ahmadinejad as Israel's greatest gift. This represents an opportunistic and dangerous policy which should strongly be opposed by the international community.

Stand with free Iran and stop Israeli provocative actions!

written by shobeir Irani

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